
Sean Michael Dooney Sr.

October 13, 1961 - May 6, 2018

Sean & Sheri, the love of a lifetime

In the Fall of 1979, Sean Dooney was studying on the 4th floor of the library at Oregon State University and looked up to find himself being introduced to a girl he would later have the honor of calling his wife, one Sheri Boone. A few months later their sorority and fraternity were paired up for the IFC Sing, and Sean realized this girl was one he could not live without. After months of trying to get her attention, Mom’s weekend at OSU arrived. It was the perfect opportunity for Sean to sneak into Sheri’s heart and he worked hard to get Sheri’s mother, Marilou, on his team. Flashing his charming smile and dancing with her all night he thought he’d win her approval and then Sheri’s; Marilou recognizing his angle called him out saying, “Ah, you’re just buttering up the cow to get to the calf!” Despite being discovered, Sean was able to secure himself a date that Spring and the rest is history.

Sean & Sheris Wedding 1985.png

Sean and Sheri are the proud parents of seven beautiful children, Brian, Sean Jr., Meagan, Daniel, Erin, Ronan, and Molly, sometimes known as the DK’s. Sean and Sheri enjoyed 38 years of adventures, hard work, and amazing memories together before Sean’s unexpected passing in May 2018. The family has often been found in the great outdoors seizing moments from their hectic daily life between work, school, and sports to catch a breath of fresh air, some waves, sunshine, fish, crab, slopes, and unforgettable adventures together. Sean, always their Captain, spearheaded one wild idea after another and made certain everyone and everything was ship shape, along with his first mate Sheri. Relentless in the way he lived, the way he loved and the way he led, the Dooney’s were humbled at the overwhelming response of love, outpouring of generosity and kindness, and grief at his passing. Wanting to use this time of sorrow and convert it into something good, they took the ball and ran with it as Sheri’s idea for a simple memorial golf tournament became a fundraiser and now a full blown Foundation. Sheri and her children are incredibly humbled by the opportunity to make a difference in their community, especially after receiving so much support from them over the last thirty-plus years and particularly after losing Sean. The opportunity to take something so heartbreaking and turn it into the cornerstone of a Foundation that aims to give life back, is the greatest reflection of Sean Dooney, what he meant to his family, and to his many dear friends.

“We love you Papi, rest easy buddy.” ~the DKs