Sean CC 1979.JPG

Sean Dooney ‘79 Memorial Scholarship

All donations made to CCHS will be placed into the Sean Dooney ‘79 Memorial Scholarship fund.

The Sean Dooney ‘79 Memorial Scholarship will be offered at Central Catholic to provide the opportunity for private education to children in the greater Portland community to receive the same education that Sean and his children enjoyed at the school. Sean was a proud alumni and parent of Central Catholic. It is an honor to be able to provide this opportunity to others and let them share in the welcoming community Central Catholic has always provided the Dooney family. The scholarship has been established in honor of Sean and the first scholarships will be offered beginning with the 2019-2020 school year.

“Sean Dooney to me embodies what it means to be a Central Catholic graduate: he lived out the mission of the school, not by being a loud boisterous cheerleader, which he certainly was, but by quietly and consistently giving back, taking care of those less fortunate, so they too can have the blessing of a Catholic high school education. Sean and Sheri were ever present at Central Catholic events-sports, parent teacher conferences, academic award ceremonies, plays, fundraisers. Sean and Sheri have always been generous but without the expectation of recognition. They understand the value of the Central Catholic experience, the value of the Catholic school and community, and appreciate what they have and want others to have it as well.

As a school, Central Catholic continues its mission because of the presence and the generosity of families like the Dooneys. As principal I am especially touched by the kindness and the offering of a positive experience for future students from the tragedy of Sean's passing. To me this scholarship embodies Catholicism and the Central Catholic way: those who have been blessed with resources want to share with others so they too can enjoy those riches.”

~John Garrow, Former Principal

A family school through and through…

Central Catholic was founded in 1939, with Sean’s great uncle Father Francis Schaefers leading the way, under the direction of Archbishop Howard’s vision. Father Francis led the newly opened all-boys school in their first several years as the first priest, director, and principal. Fr. Francis was an instrumental leader in the school’s construction and was dedicated to the mission of providing Catholic education to the Portland community. While several Dooney’s and other family members attended the school over the years, the name gained recognition with Sean and his brother Dan’s attendance at the school in the late 70’s. The two boys participated in many school activities including Football, Golf, and the Ski Racing Team. They led many shenanigans over the years they spent there and Sean’s younger brothers, Tim (1987) and Michael (1990) followed in suit, although in not such a ruckus manner as their two older brothers. Thank goodness! Sean’s uncle Jim Dooney also made the Dooney family name known as a spirited member of the infamous “Class of ‘58” with Monsignor Murphy, and as a fierce teammate of the fine football team!

1979 sean skiing in a cc team race

1979 sean skiing in a cc team race

1977 CC Golf Team with sean in the back row

1977 CC Golf Team with sean in the back row

Sean inthe center of the 1979 CC TV Crew

Sean inthe center of the 1979 CC TV Crew

Sean’s 1976 Freshman photo

Sean’s 1976 Freshman photo

Sean graduated from the school in 1979, a year after his older brother, Dan (1978) and went on to receive his BS in Business Administration from Oregon State University. He is joined as an alumnus of Central Catholic by five of his seven children; Meagan and Sean (2010), Daniel (2013), Erin (2015), and Ronan (2018), with the youngest of his kids, Molly (2021) still in attendance. Sean and Sheri feel fortunate that they were able to provide their kids with a private Catholic education at such a welcoming place! In their years at Central Catholic all the kids played various sports, joined various clubs and groups, and were heavily involved in service and made many great friendships. Meagan went on from CC’s golf team to play at a collegiate level in Montana and Ronan is currently playing DIII Lacrosse in Southern California after graduating from CC in June of 2018. The Dooney kids were academically challenged, taught to ask questions, think critically, and were encouraged by their teachers and the staff to engage in the community at every opportunity. Since graduating from CC, each of the kids have appreciated their education even more, recognizing how much their teachers & staff cared and how much they really learned!

Danny CC Golf State 2013.jpg

Over the years Sean and Sheri have actively participated in the CCHS community as parents, benefactors, and friends. Sean being an alum of the school, often joined a group of his fellow Rams in the John Shepherd Classic. From playing on his ‘family’ team with his Walsh cousins to playing with Billy Mildenberger, Jim Dodson, Willy Duran, Jim King, Tom Fleischmann and other fellow classmates, hoops were always one of his favorite past times, especially with the seven kids and Sheri cheering him on. Sean and Sheri loved watching the kids play sports at Central, coming to as many games and events as they could manage, attending endless rounds of golf, lacrosse games, cross country meets, hoops, soccer games, School Musicals, and more.

The Dooneys are honored to have such a welcoming community through which they and their children have built amazing friendships and had many wonderful experiences. They are honored to be able to offer the Sean Dooney Memorial Scholarship to students in the area and afford them the opportunity to have relationships and memories like the Dooney kids have been blessed with.